Currency saving with the products of Iranian researchers

According to SinaPress, the lack of some advanced devices in the field of electronics is an important problem for some academic and research centers in the country. The issue of expensive equipment on the one hand, and global sanctions on the other, has created limitations for the country's researchers in this field.
According to official reports, some universities and scientific centers bought devices in previous years, but after a while, these devices suffered technical defects due to use.
Unfortunately, due to sanctions, scientific and research centers have not been able to repair and supply parts for these devices, and these devices are currently unused. This issue has become a big problem in Iranian scientific centers.
Recently, micro-Nano Electronic Fab, with the help and use of advanced devices, has prepared the equipment needed in the field of electronics in the country.
In this center, completely Iranian devices made by domestic researchers are prepared and presented to research centers.
Production of microscopes with 90% currency savings
Dr. Mehdi Akbari, a graduate of the University of Tehran, is one of the active members of this center. The5-year effort of this researcher and his colleagues on the project of making a scanning electron microscope has led to the construction of this device for the first time in the country.
These microscopes are known as SEM microscopes in the world.
According to this Iranian researcher, lights with lower wavelengths are usually needed to observe much smaller particles. In fact, particles smaller than 3 microns cannot be seen in light, and more advanced equipment, such as electron microscopes, is required to see them.
The system, first unveiled at the science center, is a scanning electron microscope. The microscope produces a very thin electron beam that scans the sample and simultaneously measures the electrical signals and electrons returning from the sample and shows them in the image. Dr. Mehdi Akbari said.
Akbari also explained to Sina Press about the price of SEM microscopes: The price of the cheapest device we bought last winter was 6 billion Tomans. Currently, due to the rising value of the US dollar in Iran, the price of the same device has reached about 12 billion Tomans.
The price of the device that we have made is fifty thousand dollars equal to one and a half billion Tomans, which is about one tenth of the price of the devices available in the world markets.
By producing this device in the country, it is possible to prevent the outflow of currency from the country.
This researcher from the University of Tehran states: Microscopes are extremely valuable devices for all industries. Microscopes are needed in various fields of oil, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics, physics, etc.
This scanning electron microscope made in Iran has a resolution of 50 nanometers and is as powerful as a standard SEM microscope sold in the world and can compete with global models.
Akbari emphasizes: This microscope also has the ability to add more features that increase its usability. For example, we plan to add a feature to this device in the future that allows us to see biological samples.
We do not have such a capability available in Iran, and if we want to do pharmaceutical or cellular studies, we will not be able to do so with ordinary SEMs. I hope we can add this capability to our device by next year.
"Such microscopes are mostly used in R&D departments," he said. For example, steel companies, pharmaceutical companies and in general all companies and centers operating in the fields of chemistry, physics and metallurgy need this device. The importance of this issue becomes clear when we know that the number of major companies in Iran that have the technology of this device is small.
The inventor of the scanning electron microscope in Iran considered it possible to export this device in the future and said: when this device is fully prepared and equipped (which I think will take about one year), it will be exported to other countries.
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