نماد سایت خبرگزاری سیناپرس

Lose weight with white tea

Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body, which is very harmful to health. Being overweight can lead to many problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, fatty liver, obstructive sleep apnea and even cancer.
According to Sina Press, Weight loss in obese people can lead to improved quality of life, reduced depression and overeating, and ultimately increased physical health.
Usually, weight loss occurs through a variety of methods, including surgery, dieting, the use of herbal remedies, and exercise.
Among the various herbal medicines, tea has a special place.
According to researchers, among the types of tea, green tea is one of the most popular that obese people use to lose weight and increase fat oxidation.  But recently another ingredient has been introduced as a competitor to green tea.
According to Sina Press, This ingredient is called white tea and like green tea and black tea, it is obtained from a plant of the same name.

White tea contains four important fat burners: polyphenols, catechin, caffeine and epigallocatechin, which may make it superior to green tea or other teas.
Of course, it should be noted that this tea is more expensive than other teas.
The importance of this interesting substance in controlling obesity caused a researcher from Tarbiat Modares University to study it and emphasize the relationship between white tea and adipose tissue metabolism.

The findings of this study have been published in a letter to the editor of the scientific research journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences.
A review of various studies that have generally been conducted in research centers outside of Iran, suggests that the use of white tea increases fat oxidation in obese people.
In fact, this interesting drink, with the effect of its active ingredients on the metabolism of adipose tissue in the body, provides obesity control.

According to Amir Hossein Ahmadi Hekmatikar, a researcher in the Department of Physical Education at Tarbiat Modares University, "In addition to the above, white tea has antioxidant properties and can also be effective for health."

Considering the positive effects of this type of tea in improving the quality of life of obese people, this researcher has suggested that more studies be done in this regard in the future.
Based on this, researchers can compare the effect of white tea with green tea and other teas in relation to obesity-related indicators to provide effective hypotheses about the potential of white tea to help obese people.

According to Sina Press, white tea is a type of tea that uses fresh buds and petals instead of tea leaves.
These fresh petals are dried in natural sunlight and then go through the next steps of making tea.
Because the unripe buds of the tea plant have silvery white hairs that give it a white appearance, this tea is known as white tea, although it is brewed and is pale yellow.

Report: Mohammad Reza Shojaieh
Translated By: Ehsan Mohammadhosseini



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